At The Meat Club, we have long been passionate advocates for sourcing clean products from sustainable partners in the food industry. This journey has encouraged us to move beyond our Australian shores and look at our neighbours across the Tasman, in particular East Rock New Zealand White Fish.

Why East Rock New Zealand Fish? Like us, the founders of East Rock are passionate about sourcing sustainable clean products. In fact, for four generations, the Zame family has been fishing in the same waters. They are passionate about delivering premium, traceable and sustainable produce from New Zealand to our plates. Every fish can be traced back to the boat it was caught on, and the area that it was caught in. From the East Coast of New Zealand’s North Island, small inshore boats carefully harvest the Snapper, Gurnard and Tarakihi (Sea Bream) fish on short trips, delivering their catch wharfside fresh daily.

After filleting, packing and blast freezing, you can be rest assured that your fish is untouched from the time it leaves New Zealand before it reaches your home, reducing double-handling and the possibility of contamination. East Rock are committed to freshness, meaning that each fish is prepared, packed and dispatched from the factory on the same day. These fish are blast frozen and do not go through unnecessary frozen and thawing cycles which erode quality and taste. Check out our amazing East Rock White Fish range from New Zealand here!